Holy Cross Elementary School

Holy Cross Elementary is a kindergarten through eighth grade school serving Holy Cross parish in the heart of historic Latonia, Kentucky. The current structure was built in 1914. Our school was formed in 1891 and was staffed by Benedictine sisters. The Benedictine values of hospitality, community, and love of neighbors is still evident at Holy Cross today.

We share a campus with Holy Cross Church and Holy Cross High School, as well as the Holy Cross Learning Academy preschool. Our campus is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. Students grow in faith through our twice weekly masses and the receiving of sacraments in our beautiful church. Our elementary school shares a large gymnasium, a spirit shop, and a cafeteria with the high school. Being neighbors with our district high school gives the elementary students access to a wide range of activities and sports. The Holy Cross Learning Academy features programs for children ages 2 to 5, offering families one place to educate children from preschool through high school graduation.


It is my great pleasure to announce that Holy Cross Elementary  was a recipient of a 2024 Diocesan Parish Annual Appeal Service Grant for the 2024-2025 school year to be used to help fund our Specials teachers.

Thank you to all who have contributed to the DPAA and to Bishop Iffert and the DPAA committee for helping us in our mission to give all our students the opportunity to receive a Catholic faith-based education.


Ms. Vieth



Holy Cross Elementary is a school where fine young Christians are rooted in history and enriched by Catholic tradition.  Their values reflect commitment to academic excellence and service to their faith community.  At Holy Cross Elementary, individuality is celebrated, opportunity is cultivated, and respect is mutual.

School Hours

Arrival: Doors open at 7:20

Doors closed at 7:45

NDUEC Bus dismissal: 2:35pm

Regular Dismissal: 2:40pm

October Dates

10/25 Trunk or Treat 6-7pm

Family Movie Night 7:00-8:30

10/31 Classroom Halloween Parties

November Dates

11/1 No School Feast of All Saints

11/5 No School  Election Day

11/11 1st Trimester Ends

Early dismissal at 1:40pm

11/13 Picture retake day

11/14 Holy Cross District High School Open House at 6:30pm

11/22 Grandparents' Day

11/26 Parent/ Teacher Conferences

11/27 No School- Teacher in-service day

11/28-11/29 No School Thanksgiving break

Sad or scared? Call the S.T.O.P! Tipline to report bullying, physical or sexual abuse, if someone threatens to bring a gun to school, a student in a living situation where there are illegal drugs or addiction, concern about a possible suicide, or anything else you’ve seen or heard that’s bothering you. And you only have to leave your name and number if you want to. Click on the S.T.O.P. image to access the tipline.

+Be it known to all who enter here that Christ is the reason for this school.  He is the unseen but ever present teacher in its classes.  He is the model of its faculty and the inspiration of its students. +


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